Most of my friends in Indonesia text me, today, updating the latest condition of Soeharto, former president of Indonesia. This authoritarian leader passed away, today. He had been ailing in a hospital in the capital, Jakarta, since January 4 when he was admitted with failing kidneys, heart and lungs.
"Tadi, sqitar jam 1 mantan presiden Soeharo meninggal dunia..."
"Pak Harto akhirnya meninggal.."
"Suharto meninggal tadi sore"
(Suharto has passed away...)
Above are some text i received and of course, this news is definitely become one of the headlines over the world. Some blogs of my friend has been reporting a series of his stories, and hundreds of Indonesian bloggers had paid attention on his latest health.
Most bloggers, including me, are interested to post articles on Suharto. I was previously not interested in writing anything about him, but because those sms, I am currently bloody posting a comment on it.
I just wonder, Suharto is still a strong figure. You can see lots of people, not only in the country but also bloggers around the world pay attention on him. Posting his news, and even my friends sent me sms, some of them expressing condolence.
In a televised address, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on "the people of Indonesia to pay their last respects to one of Indonesia's best sons ... who has done very great service to his beloved nation." Yudhoyono's office declared a week of national mourning. Can you imagine that.
About a week ago, I watched a talk show on Al Jazeera English Channel, three Indonesia activists were brought to the tv studio in Doha, Qatar. They were debating about Suharto's court.
Believe it or not, you gotta agree with me, that Suharto is still ruling, he ruled your opinion over decades, he has been ruling our attention for the last 3 weeks, and even he died, he is currently hypnotizing you to read this useless posting. I got you...!!!
A magical Suharto...
should we feel sad or happy?
I am sad, because he inherited a cruelty–nepotism-corrupted tyranny, one of the best… ever !
terlepas dari keburukan soeharto, tdk dpt dipungkiri sekitar tahun 80-an indonesia pernah maju dibawah kepemimpinannya.
contohnya, beliau pernah memperkuat pangan ind shg mampu berswasembada beras.
tapi setelah anak2 beliau dewasa, tidak ada lahan bisnis di ind yg tidak dikuasai anak2 dan kroni beliau.
memang beliau sudah meninggal, tp bukan berarti proses hukum mandeg.
masih ada celah, pak harto punya yayasan yg digunakan sebagai kepanjangan tangan utk memperkaya diri.
mgk upaya hukum bisa dilakukan melalui yayasan tsb.
yayasan adl bdn hukum yg berarti sama dg manusia.
artinya, yayasan jg bisa dituntut layaknya manusia.
memang beliau sudah meninggal tp selayaknya proses hukum tetap berlanjut dan kembalikan kekayaan negara dunk!
Tapi menurutku, kemakmuran yang sempat diraih jaman 80-an itu kemakmuran semu. Silakan cek saja, berapa banyak orang miskin di indonesia saat itu?
yang perlu digarisbawahi, bahwa tren atau tujuan pemerintahan suharto dulu adalah mengejar ketertinggalan dan menggenjot pertumbuhan ekonomi. Caranya, bikin banyak pembangunan infrastruktur, tapi pake duit utang. Nah, saat waktunya jatuh tempo tahun 97/98, gak bisa balikin toh? Menyeret indonesia ke liang kubur krisis ekonomi.
Harusnya, pemerintah berorientasi pada kesejahteraan masyarakat, ketentraman rakyat, bukan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Buat apa pertumbuhan maju dua digit tiap tahun, tapi banyak penculikan dan pembantaian.
Multi krisis yang kita rasakan saati ini ya ulah dari Soeharto. Itu yang perlu dingat, Jangan pernah lupa itu!
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