Let me introduce my new little model. Her name is Isabelle from Austria. I met her and her mom on the Novotel's beach one day couple weeks ago. They were on vacation at our hotel. I saw her was playing alone on the beach and I was interested to shoot her as my model for our weekend ad. The idea was to depict a family who is enjoying weekend with leisure and recreation activities.
I met the mom and asked whether she could give us permission to use her daughter as a model for our promotional visual. The mom agreed but it was pretty difficult to encourage the girl act in front of my lens. Isabelle might think i was a stranger so that she initially did not want to show her "move". But after couple of minutes playing with her, this charming and smart girl showed her exuberant shouts. She was so excited when I gave her a dolfi toy. She even splashed the brine to me, lucky not to my camera. Kids sometimes are unpredictable. Take a look at her exhilarating photos below. She's so cute, isnt she.
I met the mom and asked whether she could give us permission to use her daughter as a model for our promotional visual. The mom agreed but it was pretty difficult to encourage the girl act in front of my lens. Isabelle might think i was a stranger so that she initially did not want to show her "move". But after couple of minutes playing with her, this charming and smart girl showed her exuberant shouts. She was so excited when I gave her a dolfi toy. She even splashed the brine to me, lucky not to my camera. Kids sometimes are unpredictable. Take a look at her exhilarating photos below. She's so cute, isnt she.
you must compare with her picture at age twenty years.
Is she still pretty??
I love child too..:P
oh my god, reminds me to my daughter :)
canteekk.. sekaleee...
very cute, lovely smile, sangat cantik dan calon model nech keknya , boleh kenalan nggak ?! :D
then, when you will have your own daughter, cak iqbal?
ndang rabi! :D
This child or her mother wakakak
she's amazingly cute!
nice picture..!
Isabelle is so really cute model.. :)
always photo2s,, how nice, cute ! haha, i really want to live outside indo huuhuu
Haduh... saya suka sekali anak2... dan anak di gambar itu cantik bangeeett!!
Jadi pengen tak bawa pulang.. hehe.
of course she will be pretty, even much more beautiful.
Hah, you have a daughter? i thought you're a single fighter.
ya iya lah, masa iya dong
ya, kayaknya di pinter bergaya di depan kamera, alami lagi..
sabar cak, ntar nysul sampean
maknya udah tuwir, mas.
yup, she is
isabelle, please teach yuyun "the move"...
really, then come here. You will understand how beautiful our country is.
andaikan bisa dipungut, tak kasih dah, paketin ke jakarta hehe...
lucu.. ada abangnya nggak?
Tantenya ada? wakakakak
ehm.. she's really cute.. :)
waaaaaa so cute...!! picsnya juga keren.
aku pengen jadiin guruk model hihihi tapi dia sibuk euy.
hwow... a little angel ^^
ada abangnya, mau dibukusin? minta berapa biji?
antenya yang mana hayo? yang gi kerja di pasar tanah abang? he..
cute dong, gakjauh beda sama photographernya. hahaha..
yup she's beautiful.
cantik n manis banget!
Selain emang anaknya cute abis,
kamunya juga pinter ambil gambar. jadi pas ekspresinya... natural banget. keren!
nanti kalo novotel indonesia, modelnya ponakan aku aja ya..
thanks for the compliment. btw, why dont you share your blog?
kenapa gak novi aja yang jadi model? masih abg, kan? hehehe..
she is very cute and natural.. ekspresinya lepas bangeet..
si anak kecil itu lucu sekali
saya kasih kamu BUDDY AWARD..
tolong jemput di postingan terbaru paling bawah..
diterima ya.. heheee
Cute pic....
added u in ma blog dude...
how about her mom, is she pretty too??
do you have her phone number :P
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