Sunday, March 17, 2013

Earth Hour Environmental Tips March 17th 2013

Day 17: March 17th 2013

Frugal Printing. Use both sides of each piece of paper for note taking or printing documents from your computer (at home or work). Create note pads by stapling together once-used paper. The U.S. alone uses 4 million tons of copy paper annually, about 27 pounds per person. That means killing our forest softly.

Cetak secara ekonomis. Ketika mencetak dokumen dari komputer (kantor ataupun rumah), fotokopi atau catatan, gunakan kedua sisi kertas. Buatlah notepads dari kumpulan kertas bekas. Di Amerika saja, empat juta ton kertas terpakai setiap tahun atau sekitar 27 pound per orang. Itu berbarti membunuh hutan kita secara pelan-pelan.

Day 17: March 17th 2013

What does a commitment to Earth Hour mean?
By registering for Earth Hour 2013, individuals, communities and businesses are making a commitment to turn their lights off for an hour at 8.30PM on Saturday 23 March in acknowledgement of an act they will undertake for the benefit of the planet. Our expectation is that these individuals, communities and businesses will take action beyond the hour. In 2012, we have launched the I Will If You Will campaign to provide a platform to inspire people to share their commitment to the planet with their friends, colleagues, leaders and networks.

Apakah arti komitmen bagi Earth Hour?
Dengan mendaftar pada Earth Hour 2013, baik secara individu, kelompok dan swasta, berarti membuat komitmen mematikan lampu selama satu jam pada pukul 08:30 malam hari Sabtu tanggal 23 Maret 2013 sebagai pengakuan atas tindakan nyata bagi bumi. Harapan Earth Hour bahwa mereka mengambil aksi nyata lebih dari sekadar mematikan lampu selama satu jam. Di tahun 2013, Earth Hour meluncurkan kampanye “I Will if You Will" untuk menginspirasi masyarakat akan komitmen terhadap keberlanjutan bumi.

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